Friday 11 May 2012

New in,,

One of my favourite things about having a baby girl is dressing her up.
Shopping for Molly, I never say no.  I almost feel too guilty to say no to anything I think she'd look sweet in 
(for the record I think she'd look sweet in a bin bag) So here are some super sweet outfits we've picked 
up for her recently that I adore ..we just need the sun to show it's face so that she can wear them!!
I'm actually really looking forward to Molly becoming aware
of dressing herself, I can't wait to help her find her own style and let
her steal things from my closet and borrow my lipstick for special occasions.
I love having a little girl..
I don't know what I'll do if we have a boy in the future.
Buy him a lot of bow ties and brogues probably :P


  1. Oh my gosh, those crochet shoes are the cutest! Molly must be one of the best dressed babies I've ever seen :) xo

    1. Eeep thankyou :) I really love dressing her up its may favourite part of our days together. She has a set number of 'day' dresses I can throw her in in the morning before going to the childminder but on our days together we have breakfast in pyjamas, then a bath, then a nap and when she gets up we take our time getting dressed. It's so much fun! xx

  2. i love the way you've photographed these outfits!! and for the record, they are the sweetest, you dress Molly up so stylishly! <3

    1. Thankyou :) I tried to mix it up, I just love looking at her clothes!! Thankyou :) I think we with Hayley and Grace are leading the way in baby style :P xxxx

  3. They are super cute! The panda top is possibly the most adorable ever! I have a niece and a nephew and I absolutely love buying for them, sometimes I find myself looking for them more than me - I bet you definitely do that will Molly. She will definitely grow up to be super stylish!! xo

    1. Thankyou :) :) I couldn't say no it was only £2.99! When I want something and I'm restraining myself I always buy Molly loads instead! I'm trying to buy up a size now, she's growing so fast! Thankyou :) It won;t be the end of the world if she's not interested in clothes but it would be nice. I always read memoirs about mothers and they always go on about the style mothers and daughters share xxxx

  4. Great outfits! Love the colors!

  5. If you had a baby boy, you would still do an awesome job at dressing him ! I love the bow ties idea.
