Thursday 28 March 2013


"A portrait of Molly, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Bathtime, you tend to have yours in the late afternoon because it's too much to pack in before 7pm after picking up daddy and making dinner. I don't document these everyday moments enough. I'll try and do better as the sky gets lighter. I promise not to forget your shouting 'NO DOGGY!' In your sleep. I relished that from one of my many recent midnight baths.

Another thursday post. Oh dear. I find it hard to blog when I'm on the cusp of things. Lacking in laptop memory is also nagging. Any cheap harddrive suggestions for mac? My Lacie has gone from being a bit annoying to being an absolute waste of money. This aside, it's almost easter, we are in no way prepared (better get some eggs tonight!). Definitely looking forward to taking Molly on a hunt, I hope the weather gets better.. This was last March, go away snow and cold!

Jodi's 52

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