Monday 29 December 2014

Boxing Day aka SNOW DAY!!!

So after a rather long and exhausting few days, Boxing Day felt like a bit of an anti-climax. Christmas day wasn't quite as cheery as it usually is and I was feeling a bit like maybe I hadn't created as much magic for Molly as I would have liked to. Then again I think it was more that she was still unwell and unsure in our new home (she's still not warmed to it really). Then... it snowed! I was SO excited to look out the window and see a white boxing day!!! I dressed Molly up and told her I had a surprise. She looked at me suspiciously and asked if it was rain.. I told her it was better than rain. SNOW she gasped!

We put on our coats. I could only find one baby mitten so she wore one mitten and a sock on her hands and we ran outside! She stayed with me until her hands were 'chilly'. Then we enjoyed our tea before bed. I had my second Christmas dinner. It was so worth it getting a larger turkey crown just for the extra. 
I think I'll call him Melvin.

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