Saturday 21 February 2015


We're having another baby!!

The first trimester was pretty exhausting, we found out I was pregnant a few weeks before we moved house which meant I couldn't do too much with the moving, although I ended up doing much more than I should have!

Christmas and january nearly killed me. The cold, our new house having no work done (our fault really) and absolute exhaustion. I was going to bed almost as soon as Molly was. Getting up was nearly impossible in that, I was stuck to the mattress. I stopped wearing make-up and had to shower at night or else it didn't happen. I also lived in my dressing gown - not the flattering kind!

Anyway, when I FINALLY got my first scan I was 14 weeks!! So we told Molly the night before her birthday that she was going to get a baby brother or sister!! She was so excited. I gave her a picture of the scan to keep and told her she could come with us next time to find out whether it would be a brother or sister. She's voting sister, and I'm with her on that!

I'm so happy we were able to tell her before her birthday as she's been asking for a baby sister for her birthday present.

She's already going to be the best big sister EVER!

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